We just love bags – don't we??
Big ones, small ones - makes no difference to us - we'll use em all.
Well listen up bag lovers... it would be prudent to have a survival bag for different situations as well as part of your preparedness plan - just as ladies have a handbag for whatever occassion may come - same holds true for survival.
For instance, let's start with the smallest of the survival bags (keep in mind smallest is subjective okay?) This bag is reffered to as the every day carry bag (or fondly referred to as the EDC); in most cases this could be your briefcase, purse or handbag (this is where the subjective part comes in - I've seen the size of some of the purses out there and they could rival luggage! Just sayin'. The every day carry is one you keep it with you at all times. In the bag you will have items that you use every day (every day bag - get it?), like say, your driver's license (or ID card), cash and/or credits cards, keys, make-up and of course your cell phone (and any other personal items you deem necessary.) You may also want to include items for personal protection; perhaps mace or a small baton, or even an ink pen. The premise here is, your EDC should include items you wouldn't want to be without ...like that great tube of lip gloss, but I digress.
Your next 'survival' bag is a 24 hour bag. This bag is used in a survive situation where you will need to get by for a few days. It should go hand-in-hand with you EDC bag and contain items to take care of your basic survival needs (shelter, food, water and protection.) Some items you may consider including are freeze-dried or dehydrated foods, a bottle or two of water, a change of clothing, a blanket, maybe even a tarp or poncho, and of course personal hygiene items. As for size of this bag? Just like with your EDC bag, this is entirely up to you depending on your needs ... and strength.
You may have heard me say - disaster knows no time - what this means is, disasters can strike at any time, they aren't going to wait for you to get prepared, so keep this in mind and make sure you pack a little extra.
Oh, and another suggestion is, you may want to leave your 24 hour bag in your car so you can just get in and go. Some people actually have a vehicle emergency bag that they keep in their vehicle at all times.
This next survival bag is the mac-daddy bag. Well, its not called the mac-daddy bag, of the several names it is known by, the most familiar is the bug-out-bag or BOB (bag-of-belongings), and it too goes along with the other two survival bags mentioned above. This is the bag that will contain items to make a home-away-from-home (think of it as a home in a bag) should you need to leave your home or even your city/town should a disaster strike.The BOB should be the largest of your survival bags.
Remember - this will be your home in a bag. It should; at a minimum, include a sleeping bag, cooking items, food and water, radio, flashlights, blankets, water purification and a first-aid kit. (Think camping - not creature comforts and pack accordingly.)
You should also seriously think about a weapon(s) of some sort for self defense to protect you and your belongings should the need arise (which I can assure you it will – think the Haves and Have-Nots.)
So there you have it.
A big one. A small one. And, an in between one. All for different situations. And all important and necessary.
Just keep in mind, the bag(s) you pack today may be the bag(s) that saves you tomorrow. - Just sayin'.
- Survivor Jane
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If you liked this ... then you will love my book, "Emergency/Survival Hygiene: A Prepper "Cookbook" for Survival Personal Hygiene Products", "What Could Possibly Go Wrong??? How to Go From Completely Clueless to Totally Prepared" and my NEW Book "Puzzling Over Preparedness - Survivor Jane's Prepper Word Search Puzzles"
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The first time I heard the term ‘bug-out-bag’ … I wondered how in the heck I missed out on another yet another new handbag?! I mean, after all you are taking about the girl who had just about every designer purse out there at one time or another - all neatly lined up on the top closet shelf like little victory trophies (not tha I used them all mind you - I mostly just gaze at them adoringly - and ... I didn't want to mess them up). But I digress.
Back to bug-out-bags. What I discovered to my great disappointment is a bug-out-bag (or fondly referred to as a 'BOB' or as I like to call it "BOBS" - Bag of Belongings and Supplies) was not what I thought it was. A bug-out-bag is actually a portable bag that contains items a person would need to survive if evacuating their home or business in a disaster situation. Unlike the bag you carry that contains items that you need every day (your hand-bag and brief case) the bug-out-bag is for emergencies.
There is a rule of thumb with this special bag, the bug-out-bag should contain enough supplies for a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours. The rational behind it? Simply put, it could take up to 72 hours for a rescue team to reach you in a disaster. If it were me? I'd count on it being longer - think Katrina. Just sayin'.
So, now that you know that the hottest bag in town is not for glamor but survival, let me share the importance of size and some of the major contents you will want to include in your bag. A well planned out bug-out-bag should include some, if not all, of the below mentioned items and supplies. Notice I said "planned out"? Its not about just shoving a lot of things into a bag.
Cooking utensils, non=perishable foods and water, water tablets for purification, cutlery, dishes, fixed blade knife, battery powered flashlight, radio, self-defense device(s), medications, first-aid kit, a mini crowbar, cash and coins, and a multipurpose tool, just to name a few things.
Now, granted, everyone's bag will be a little different, depending on their specific needs, residential region and circumstances. And don't even start with the "it will be too heavy!" comments! Have you put your or your wife's personal hand-bag on a scale lately? Nuf said.
Now, back to bag packing. Keep in mind the basics needs of survival when deciding what to put in your bag. They are food, water, protection and shelter; with the added fire (warmth) and first-aid. And, a great bag ...uh, bug-out-bag that is. Which leads me to the bag itself.
Your bug-out-bag should be light enough to carry while on foot for long periods of time. It should also be durable and strong. Most people opt for the "back-pack" style bag as the weight of the items in the bag are distributed evenly on your back making it easier to carry (that is, if you consider 50 lbs easy to carry.) Bug-out-bags can be purchased fully assembled or made at home.
Some alternative suggestions for a good bags are canvas duffel bags or carry-on luggage with wheels (I myself would rule-out the wheeled carriers - no matter how appealing – remember the trudge those poor souls in New Orleans had to make after the hurricane? My guess would be the wheels were totally worn down to bare metal in nothing flat.)
Even though it is our nature, especially as women, to want to be the first; and only, to have the newest bag out, in this instance, you may need to swallow your pride and understand that when dealing with a survival situation it is imperative that everyone have a bag of this type. It is also recommendation to have a smaller version bug-out-bag in your car and one at your workplace too.
Lessons learned from previous disasters shows how important it is to be prepared for surviving - living out of your bag for several days - again, if not longer.
So there you have it. Ta dah! - the survival bug-out-bag!
Now I'm sure you can really understand how valuable a great bag is - this time to your survival!
- Survivor Jane
Thank you for sharing Survivor Jane with all of your friends!
If you liked this ... then you will love my book, "Emergency/Survival Hygiene: A Prepper "Cookbook" for Survival Personal Hygiene Products", "What Could Possibly Go Wrong??? How to Go From Completely Clueless to Totally Prepared" and my NEW Book "Puzzling Over Preparedness - Survivor Jane's Prepper Word Search Puzzles"
If you have any questions, or would like to see a specific article addressing survival preparedness for women on Survivor Jane website click here > editorial@survivorjane.com)
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Follow me on Twitter @SurvivorJane and use the hashtag #PrepperTalk
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