Everyone knows you are a girly-girl. So, how do you share with your family and friends that you are also a er … eh … (cringe) survivalist or prepper?

Well, just like with any other ‘tabu’ subject you test the waters.

I remember talking with a gentleman some time back and somehow the topic went down the path of these great tooth picks I had just found (it must have been after lunch and I was concerned about the possibility of food in my teeth).  Well, the man said something to the effect of, “yeah, if this world goes to hell in a hand basket, I want to be able to still have good hygiene.”  

Well, I KNEW at that very instant, this man was also a prepper.  Why else would someone be concerned about the health and welfare of his gums in dismal times??? 

So, I ‘tested’ the waters – the guy was shocked to find that I too was a prepper.  His comment to me, “you don’t look like the type”.  I love hearing that!  (I think it’s the high heels that throw them.)

Now back to friends and family.  Maybe it’s a movie you all watch for “entertainment” sake, say the ‘Book of Eli’, ‘Taken’, ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ (any of those post- apocalyptic type action movies)   … and once the movie is over open the door (gently) to what could happen if these things were to actually happen where we live.  Or, what someone could do to “perhaps” prepare themselves for a disaster of this sort. 

You may want to even breach the topic by discussing some current disaster that has taken place in another country and how the people are reacting to it.  And again, discuss if it could even happen where here.

Focus on how dependent the people were for help. Maybe even bring up the Hurricane Katrina catastrophe and how even in our own country, assistance was slow to arrive.

Once you have laid some sort of foundation or ground work at least you have them thinking, if you feel it’s the right time you may even want to discuss SOME of the things you've decided to do to be a little more sufficient.  Like the bottled water thing, or the canned foods.  Don’t shove the topic down their throats for heavens sake!   This is a very scary subject and just like death, people tend to avoid these kinds of conversations.

At a later time, you can bring up the subject of preparing for a disaster by way of an interesting article you may have read or something you recently learned.

Books, for the readers, are a great way to ‘open-their-eyes” to how we need to be better prepared for disasters, both natural and man-made.  Then, once the reader’s fuel is fired there are two of you ‘in the know’, which could help to bring the others on board.

Every situation and person will be different.  Don’t get frustrated that everyone is not going to embrace your new found interest.  It’s okay. 

In fact, sometimes I get a bur up my fancy and when someone ticks me off, I say to myself “oh well, he’s gonna be one of those who die.”  (Sorry God!!!)

- Survivor Jane


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Following Your Gut Instinct
Words Can't Describe It - (Visualizing a Disaster)
I think I can... I think I can - (Mental Preparedness)
Life is a Stage – (Practicing for Survival)
Afraid of the Dark? (Surviving in the Dark)
Do you have any spare CHANGE? - (Did you know it takes 21 days to CHANGE a habit).
“The Suddenness of the End” - (Our Mental State of Mind)
What is so Golden about a Horde? - (The Golden Horde - Mass Exodus after a Disaster)
What a Great Personality! - ('Knowing Your Disaster Personality)

Get Your Head Outta the Sand! – (Public Awareness Regarding Disasters)
How to share 'Your Secret' - (Sharing with Others How to Prepare for a Disaster)
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Be Prepared - (Not to be Confused with Hording)
Going It Alone - (When You are the Only Family Survivor)
Red Rover Red Rover - (Teaming Up with Like-Minded Survivalist)
Dress Rehearsal - (Preparing for Life after a Disaster)
Prepare Like There's No Tomorrow - (When the 'Poo' Hits the Fan)
'B’-ing Prepared (Make sure you are stocked with Beans, Bullets, and Band-aids)


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