Sure you've seen my tweets on Twitter or a comments or two on Facebook, and heck even read my ramblings here on Survivor, but when the Survivor Jane 'super cape' is hung up there are still some people that aren't really sure who Survivor Jane is and why the website was created.
When I was approached by Tara DoDrill, a writer for the Inquisitr; a digital newspaper that covers a diverse spectrum of topic areas including technology, news, sport, entertainment, offbeat stories and, the hottest trends on the internet (not sure if I'm an offbeat story or one of the hottest trends - but I'm going for the hottest trends ...just sayin'), but I digress. Okay, so when Tara asked for an interview I seized the moment to share a little more about the journey into preparedness and the need to create Survivor and the jewelry line "Simply Survival Jewelry & Accessories (tm).
- Survivor Jane
If you have any questions, or would like to see a specific article addressing survival preparedness for women on click here
Or contact Survivor Jane at
Follow me on Twitter @SurvivorJane and by using the hashtag #PrepperTalk where you will find a Community of Prepared-Minded People
Thank you in advance for sharing Survivor Jane with all your friends and family!